The wall

Jeanette Byström GreinOkategoriserade

Many years ago I had a client who came to me to get a treatment. Usually I always ”look” at the chakras how they are. I did that this day as well. The week before the clients chakras had been open, but on this day they were ”closed”. I asked her what had happened during the week. She replied, ”Nothing,” I said, ”It must have happened something, because I could see that on the chakras.” I asked her what she had done on Monday, Tuesday … She thought back and she said laughing, ”Well, did that event take me so hard”. On Tuesday, a craftsmen had made a pretty big error when he was renovating her kitchen. The client had become very sad and frustrated about the error. Apparently she had not let go of the incident. I assumed that the event had been transient and not ”stuck” in her as a difficult and unprocessed event, even if she hadn’t come to me. Now she was processing it all at once and got rid of it.

Today it happened a similar story. A wonderful woman came for a treatment and she sad that nothing special had happened during the week. But when she got into the ”garden” she came nowhere because there was a big wall right at the entrance. I asked her, who the wall stood for, and after a while she knew who it was. To get in, she processed the wall first before she could go into the ”garden”. After the treatment I asked what had happened during the week, she told me that she had had a phone call from that person that the wall stood for, the phone call had hurt her very deeply. That person had also hurt her many times before.

It is so fascinating about everything that happens in ”The Garden”. It comes in animals that show things to the client, what the client just has processed or need to process, the subject shows on what they need to consider, after processing of a large stone for example (an event that the client has gone through in life), the ”lump” in the breast might be gone…

When you look at this event with the wall then you understand how much we really need to process that we have within us, so that we feels good. How are you, do you feel well? Do you processes the events you are involved in, that are heavy and difficult? There are many ways to process tough events, so do not stop them aside in a ”drawer”, inside you, that you unlock. Edit them and let go off the grief and the pain so that you can feel good in life.

Remember that you are living here and now, and you are worth to live a life filled with joyful moments.

Take good care! With light and greetings!
