A tooth pulling away

Jeanette Byström GreinEnglish blog

Today I had an interesting experience when I gave a treatment. A lovely woman with a lot of humor came to my practice. She has had a hard time at work, for quite a long time now and she has been very upset many times. There has been taken decisions when she was not been at work, she has not had the chance to be there to be able to decide about how the work should be done, although she has given some proposals they have not been listening to what she has had to said, even if her thoughts has been good in many ways about how the work should be done. It is obviously very frustrating for her. Many people at her work have been very confused, they have not known how it will be at work or how they will continue …

When we were talking before the treatment she said ”And so I want you to treat my tooth, because it is pulling away. I’m so tense at night because of the work situation that I clenched my teeth. ”I said to her ” Sure, I can do that, but first we look at what Louise Hay has written about the loss of teeth in her book ”You Can Heal Your Life.”

I looked for the word periodontitis (loosing a tooth) at the back in the book (on page 221) and read for her what Louise has written, it says: ”Anger over the inability to make decisions. Confused people. ”I saw her eyebrows mowing upwards and the next second we both started to laugh and we laughed for a long time. That was really fascinating!

When things like this happen, it’s really very inspiring. Basically, every time someone is in their own ”Garden” it is happening something that is unexpected and fascinating.

Today there were another woman who said, ”But is it really so easy to let go of the problem, when we are “working in the garden?” It was a very tough situation that she lived with for many years and this time she managed to let it go. But she probably has to “work” more with the event before it is completely gone. But when you work with the tough events they do decreases and the backpack are getting smaller and then you begin to feel better. So think of this if you have a huge backpack that you carry. Process and release hard events , that you carry with you through your life.

With light and greetings!
